Main Office

5525 Township Rd 629
Millersburg OH 44654

Contact The Breeder

Contact the breeder of the puppy you are interested in. Find that info under the individual puppy.

Mon - Fri: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Online store always open


Birthday: December 2, 2024

Ready for adoption: January 27, 2025

I Found My Family!

Puppy Parents

Dam: Claire

Breed: Australian Shepherd

Claire is an energetic Australian Shepherd! She is a good mama to her little ones. She weighs 40 pounds and stands 21 inches tall.

Sire: Happy Tails Dubstar Everest

Breed: Mini Poodle

Everest is ever-curious and adventurous with a zest for life that knows no bounds. His inquisitive nature and sharp awareness of his surroundings make every day an exploration, as he navigates the world with wide-eyed curiosity. His keen senses make him a watchful protector, yet, remarkably, this responsibility doesn't steal his joy. Everest lives a carefree life, finding delight in the simple pleasures, and his wagging tail and playful spirit are a testament to his ability to balance duty and happiness. This boy weighs in at 19 pounds and stands 16 inches.

Becky is a charming Blue Merle female Mini Aussiedoodle who instantly steals hearts with her striking coat and playful personality. This adorable, pint-sized bundle of joy blends the intelligence of an Australian Shepherd with the affectionate nature of a Poodle. Becky is always ready for fun, whether it’s chasing toys, learning new tricks, or snuggling up for quiet moments. Her sparkling blue-gray fur and twinkling eyes perfectly match her lively spirit, making her an irresistible companion!

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