We found Chloe on myaussiepups.com, she is very bright and a wonderful addition to our family. My Aussiepups.com was very professional and a pleasure to work with. The breeders David and Sandra Miller have puppies that are very adapted to children. David answered the phone and was very informative about the puppies and their parents. He was patient with my multiple questions and calls. After all the calls about getting the puppy to us, David made the arrangements for her to be transported to Florida. Thank you David for all your patients with me, Chloe is a special puppy.
5525 Township Rd 629
Millersburg OH 44654
Contact The Breeder
Contact the breeder of the puppy you are interested in. Find that info under the individual puppy.
Mon - Fri: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Online store always open