The breeders Barb and Marcus are wonderful. They were always available to answer any questions we had before picking up our puppy. They allowed us to set a schedule that worked for us and them. They invited us into their home when we arrived to pick up our puppy. Just great and sweet people. We got a very sweet puppy girl we know its because she had great breeders for her first 12 weeks . The puppy is playful, sweet, curious, loving, we can’t wait to see what else this little bundle of joy brings to our family. We recommend my aussie pups if this is the breed you’re looking for… mr.yoder who runs the webpage was also in touch throughout the process. Just a great experience for us. We also enjoyed the town the scenery the rolling acres was just stunning. A beautiful place to see with wonderful folks. ( and cute puppies)
5525 Township Rd 629
Millersburg OH 44654
Contact The Breeder
Contact the breeder of the puppy you are interested in. Find that info under the individual puppy.
Mon - Fri: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Online store always open